Secure Your Original Work Through ISBN
First Edition, October 2016 : Size : A5
ISBN-13 : 978-93-86258-02-1 : Pages : x+228
Code No. : VSRDAPBM-13 : Price : Rs. 230.00
PRINTED IN SINGLE COLOUR : Export Price : US $ 20.00

Dr. S. Nagabhushana
Dr. S. Nagabhushana, M.Com, MBA, DIM, PGDFM, Ph.D, NET, SET, PDF, is the Faculty and Course Coordinator of Post Graduate Department of commerce in Hasanath College, Hennur, Bangalore and also Visiting Professor for Post Graduate courses in Commerce and Management in various Institutions of Bangalore University. He holds Bachelor of Commerce Degree with specialization in Advanced Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting from Bangalore University and Master of Commerce Post Graduate Degree with specialization in Finance from Sri Krishnadevaraya University and he has been awarded with Doctorate for his research work in International Business from Sri Krishnadevaraya University and he has qualified in professional teaching certifications such as UGC NET and APSET, and having 12 years of experience in various industries NBFC, Insurance, Commercial Finance and IT Sector as Finance and Accounts Professional and more than 5 years of experience in Teaching to Higher education. Prof. Nagabhushana has authored over Nine Reference and Text Books and published around Twenty Five Research Papers in the reputed national and international Peer Reviewed / Indexed journals. He has presented a large number of research papers in national and international seminars and conferences. He has chaired a number of Technical Sessions in national and international seminars and conferences. He is on the panel as Editor, Associate Editor, Assistant Editor, Member of Advisory and Editorial Boards of several National and International reputed Journals. Apart from this, he is member of academic and administrative bodies of a large number of Institutions in India. He has been awarded with Five Years Post-Doctoral Fellowship from University Grants Commission New Delhi in the research area of Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Economic Development in Karnataka.

Mr. Ravikumar K.
Prof. Ravi Kumar K, Presently working as Faculty in PG Department of Commerce at St. Anne`s Degree College for Women, Bangalore is having over 8 years of valuable expertise in teaching in the field of commerce and management right from the graduate level till post graduate level and he has to his account the professional certification for teaching i.e., UGC NET and he is pursuing the Doctoral research in Bangalore University in the area of Marketing Management and in the verge of completion of the same. He is Life of member of Indian Commerce Association (ICA) and Indian Science Congress Association (ISC), Kolkata. He has published several research papers in the field of Commerce and Management in State, National and International level Journals and also presented and participated in many National and International conferences and seminars.
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